A remake of the classic Wizardry video games

Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp@lariennalibrary.com

Wizardry Legacy

WL Adventures


Filed in: Main.HomePage · Modified on : May 15, 2021, at 03:11 PM - Visits 31689

The survey is available!

In order to gather some comments about a possible change of direction, I decided to make a survey. Here is a link to the survey.

Wizardry Legacy Survey

If you know other wizardry fans, send them the link. The answers I have right now are interesting, but I don't have enough data to confirm those answers. My objective would be to have between, 50-100 answers. Unfortunately, from experience, I doubt having more than 25 answers.

Welcome to the Wizardry Legacy project. The goal of this project is to create a game similar to the original Wizardry video games where people are going to be able to create their own adventures. This site will host the game file and documentation required to run the game. The sections are divided as follow:

  • Wizardry Legacy: Contains the news, the rules of the game, the game files, some screen shots and various game development information.
  • Wizardry Legacy Adventures: When the game will be running well and that players are going to start designing their own adventures, this section will contains documentation to design your own adventures and there will be a database containing the adventures designed by the users.
  • Wizardry: This section will contains various information about the original Wizardry game series. For now I only intend to make a list of all the games released with some comments and screen shots.

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