A remake of the classic Wizardry video games

Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp@lariennalibrary.com

Wizardry Legacy

WL Adventures

Road Map

Filed in: Development.DVroadmap · Modified on : October 25, 2021, at 07:47 PM - Visits 2220

I am doing a clean up of this page for the detailed list of things to implement, look at gitlab issues located here. I will only list the milestone planning on this page, the rest will be on gitlab or moved eventually on gitlab. I also try to anticipate a release date which I cannot really guaranty. It is what I would like to be.

There has been a lot of replanning lately, I will not make it for the previous milestone target year. One of the main change is the decomposition of the project in open source subprojects. So each subproject has it's own wishlist of issues it would try to fullfill. So I am not sure if I want to focus on each sub project separately then integrate it with the game, or jump from a project to another.

Upcomming Milestones

V0.7: New Maze and User Interface engine. (Planned for 2022)

  • Remove all C++ code. Much C++ code will remain idle an unused until proper conversion.
  • Massively reduce assets and replace most copyright assets. I have good assets sources for monster and texture. Hope I will have a complete selection by the time of the release.
  • MAPPER: New Maze engine using real 3D polygon projection. Will come with thin walls, floor and doors. Only the minimal features will be available.
  • MAPPER: Basic maze editor features should be available to be able to draw something. Some portion of the editor might need to be in the game. (to determine)
  • There will be no game mechanics, only walking around in a maze.
  • GLYMMER: Start exporting some of the new WUI code into a side project called Glymmer
  • Implement continuous integration and deployment including windows cross-compilation so that I don't need to manually build the program for each platform.
  • Include a demo maze to walk around and test the game.

V0.8: New Game mechanics and feature (Planned for 2023)

  • The game emchanics will be revised, stream lined and simplified. Only the necessary will remain.
  • GLYMMER: Implement database support with interface design from external YAML source file to simplify the development of user interface.
  • Redesign the entire game module system with the new GLYMMER features.
  • GLYMMER: Implement a text based test module to test game mechanics (not sure, could be a waste of time)
  • Implement game mechanics that could be in a self testable module.
  • Implement the new combat system

V0.9: New Adventure (???)

  • implement npc
  • Implement game mechanics related to the adventure and the maze. (ex: NPC, Events, etc.)
  • Make the game playable with a complete adventure (Probably a wizardry 1 remake)


The features below might be obsolete and will be reconsidered when the time comes.

Issues to upload on Gitlab

PartialPictureFormat the new texture from davegh.com and artwork from Thalzon for character and NPC. See for icons (optional) on RPG maker. Make a new selection to reduce the archive size for loading and distribution. (not sure if needed to design first adventure, possibly since could be the only adventure)
PartialMazeRe-enable support of maze objects using scaling ratio and anchor points. Need to find a source of maze objects.
To doMazeImplement sky area with dithering of depth to gray fog.
To doEditorCheck for maze errors and database entry inconsistencies.
To doEditorImplement the management of masked textures definition and placement.
To doEditorImplement the management of objects definition and placement.
To doEventsImplements some other key events like boss, long text, riddles, chest and traps according to the new features available in this version (depends on the need of the adventure.
To doSpellsUtility spells related to maze event (DESTO, CALFO, etc)
To doMonsterFinish Designing monsters and special attacks/abilities
?To do?AINeed to define a few artificial intelligence actions when new monster structure will be made (possibly already done)
To doAdventureMight try start working on first adventure "Goblinoid Mountain" to have something to play.
to doMazeApply maze area effects.

Once this release is finished, I'll have to find a way to see how it can be pushed to linux software repositories.

Development for Future Release

This is some development left behind for the future.

PartialSpellsUtility spells (ex: Dumapic, Malor, etc) not related to maze events.
To doActionsImplement character class passive and active skills. Wait near the end for skill system.
To doQuestIntegrate a quest/reward system that players can complete. Random quest and story quest system.
To doEditorMake a database editor specially designed for wizardry to make data editing easier
To doItemsCould implement, poisons to place on weapons, cursed items.
To doGeneralWizardrypedia: A way to show database information directly form the game (not much important)
To doCityAdd background images to city locations and make windows translucent to see through. (need artwork first)
To doMazeAdd maze area information like name, sky, music, etc, other than textures. Could have transition, or optional transition when entering new area.
To doEventsWild area events. For events that are going to be reused in multiple areas, maybe you could have an area id 99 that will be used for all areas. It will avoid duplicating events but reduce the availability of event numbers (maybe already done, check it out)(Not very elegant)
To doChestCreate chest system with treasures, unlocking and traps and could also be reused in the maze with events. (Somewhat requires class skill to inspect and unlock theses. There are still spells that can do the job)
To doItemsGive them active and or passive effects.
To doItemsAdd usable abilities, especially for expandables
To doEffectsNeed to implement irregular effects (???)
To doDatabaseadd some default data to template adventure, items, characters, etc.
To doMonsterDesign NPC stats with extra humanoid pictures available.
to doDatabaseremove the need to convert SQL record to an C++ object.

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