A remake of the classic Wizardry video games
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
Wizardry Legacy
WL Adventures
Filed in: GameBook.GBaeffectList · Modified on : October 22, 2021, at 03:08 PM - Visits 1398
Information copied from the old source code to analyse:
Type of disability which should be considered as real status condition instead of active effects. Irregular effects should simply be an extra field:
{ "Dta", "Disable Targeting" }, { "Dac", "Disable Actions" }, { "Dsp", "Disable Spell Casting" }, { "Dsk", "Disable Skills" }, { "Rdt", "Random Target" }, { "Rda", "Random Action" }, { "Rdf", "Random Friend" }, { "Rdi", "Random Insane Action" }, { "Fps", "Fail Physical Saves" }, { "Fms", "Fail Mental Saves" }, { "Fdo", "Fail Dodge" }, { "Fat", "Fail Attacks" }, { "Rdm", "Reduce Damage" }, { "Rmd", "Reduce Magick Damage" }, { "Idt", "Irregular Disable Targeting" }, { "Ida", "Irregular Disable Action" }, { "Ids", "Irregular Disable Spell" }, { "Idk", "Irregular Disable Skill" }, { "Irt", "Irregular Random Target" }, { "Ira", "Irregular Random Action" }, { "Irf", "Irregular Random Friend" }, { "Iri", "Irregular Random Insane" }, { "Ifa", "Irregular Fail Action" }, { "Ird", "Irregular Reduce Dmg" }, { "Irm", "Irregular Reduce Mdmg" }
Types of status to determine how to cure. Certain status could be stronger requiring more powerfull casting level.
Here are some durations that were used. I would rather streamline this data. Conditions are very likely to remain permanent since they must be cured. Active effects on the other hand has limited durations in combat time. They mostly expire after battle. Only expedition spells remains between battles.
Effects attributes: Most of those information are stats modified. I might be putting stats modifier in a separate table to allow compilation of stats in the database itself. It would be more annoying to modify the information, but it would be easier to query and make computation inside the database. I could possibly make rolls inside the DB.
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