A remake of the classic Wizardry video games
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp@lariennalibrary.com
Wizardry Legacy
WL Adventures
Filed in: GameBook.GBsoul · Modified on : October 05, 2021, at 03:44 PM - Visits 1552
Soul is a new concept designed to replace level draining abilities and determine the chances of success during character revival. Therefore, soul will be lost from undead special attacks or after a character revival.
Soul will range from 1 to 20. All characters starts with 20 soul points. There is no way to recover soul, so it's a kind of decay counter on the top of your character. If a character lose all it's soul points, it is deleted and cannot be revived. So losing soul has no immediate effect, but has long term consequences.
In order to revive a character, from a spell or from the temple, a Devotion check must be made. That means rolling a D20 lower or equal to your devotion attribute. Natural failures can occur on 19-20. If it's a success, the character is revived and he loses 2 point of soul. Else nothing happens and you must pay 1 point of soul. If your soul reaches 0, the character is deleted.
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