A remake of the classic Wizardry video games

Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp@lariennalibrary.com

Wizardry Legacy

WL Adventures

Spell List

Filed in: GameBook.GBspells · Modified on : October 07, 2021, at 01:42 PM - Visits 5525

Design Notes

  • Try to design 8 groups of 5 spells and allow equiping 3 spels per level. Could make spell configuration interesting, similar to D&D spell memorising, but simpler.
  • Make some modifications to speel to take advantage of the new formation and initiative system.
  • Try to make spell less boring and more unique while keeping the programming easy.
  • Remove the concept of weak and strong spells. Spell strength will be scaled with the school profiency of the character, like for weapons. Even booster spells will be scaled.


  • I found an old game design that hold more spells than the previous version. I should use this old list to fill up 40 different spells per sphere. Using Ideas from D&D could help create variety. Also initiative and party formations can now impact a lot on spell behavior.


This page contains the list of spells for each of the magic school. The list is almost final, only the spells that inflict status effects are missing. They have not yet been entered in the database, so you will not see all the detailed data for now. I am waiting for the status effects to be in the database.

The Spells are ordered by school and categories ( a 2 letter code). Each spell has an Arcane Name, and a description name in bracket. IN parenthesys, the type of attack or damage is specified. Monster can have certain resistance againt some type of attacks.

Spell Categories

BdBody Effects
CsCure Status
IsInflict Status
PuPower Up
PdPower Down
IbInflict Body

Arcane Magic School ( Mage, Samurai )

Ut DUMAPIC [Localize]Coordinates
Ut MALKAMA [Wizard Eye]9x9 maze vision
Ut MALOR [Teleport]Teleport to specific coordinates
Ex LITOFEIT [Levitate]Avoid floor traps
Ex LAOSLO [Enchant]DMGZ +1 to party for expedition
Ex LACORTU [Screen]MD +2 to party for expedition
Pu CORTU [Magic Screen]MD +3 to party
Pu MACORTU [Defense Screen]MD +6 to party
Pu OSLO [Enchanted Blades]DMGZ +2 to party
Pu MAOSLO [Empowered Blades]DMGZ +3 to party
Pu BATOKI [Magic Weapon]DMGZ+2, CS +4, Clumsiness -8? to 1 character
Pu MABATOKI [Artifact Weapon]DMGZ+4, CS +8, Clumsiness -16? to 1 character
Pd DILTO [Shadows]DMGZ -3 to a group
Pd MADILTO [Darkness]DMGZ -5 to a group
Pd PALIOS [Anti-Magic]MD -4 to a group
Pd MAPALIOS [Dispel Magic]MD -8 to a group
Sp BACORTU [Fizzle Field]Destroy all active effect from a spell source (even friendly spells, maybe 75% success on each)
Dm HALITO [Fireball](FIRE) Makes 3DY damage to 1 group
Dm MAHALITO [Fire Storm](FIRE) Makes 6DY damage to 1 group
Dm TZALIK [Energy Blast](LIGHTNING) Makes 6DY damage to 1 target
Dm MATZALIK [Lightning Bolt](LIGHTNING) Makes 12DY damage to 1 target
Dm DALTO [Iceball](COLD) Makes 24 Damage to 1 group
Dm MADALTO [Blizzard](COLD) Makes 48 Damage to 1 group
Dm TILTOWAIT [Nuclear Blast](FIRE) Makes 9DY damage to all Monsters
Dm BARIKO [Razor Wind]Makes 3DY damage to all monster
Dm MABARIKO [Meteor Winds]Makes 6DY damage to all monster
Is VASKYRE [Prismic Rays]Give a random status effect to all monsters
Is MAWXIWTZ [Prismic Chaos]Gives 2 random status effect to all monsters

Divine Magic School ( Cleric, Lord )

Ut CALFO [Divine Trap]Identify door and chest trap
Ut ZILFE [Remove Curse]Destroy cursed item.
Ut LOKTOFEIT [Portal]Warp back to city but lose something (maybe party inventory and gold? or Half gold)
Ex LOMILWA [Light]See better in the maze
Ex LAPORFIC [Protect]Gives magical armor: AD +2 to party for expedition
Ex LAKALKI [Bless]CS +2 to party for expedition
Pu KALKI [Blessing]CS +3 to party
Pu MAKALKI [Prayer]CS +6 to party
Pu PORFIC [Shield]AD +3 to party
Pu MAPORFIC [Armorplate]AD +6 to party
Pu MOGREF [Holy Armor]AD +4, DR+4, MD+4 to 1 character
Pu MAMOGREF [Divine Armor]AD +8, DR+8, MD+8 to 1 character
Bd KADORTO [Ressurection]Recover from Death or Ashes to full HP (not sure if cast in combat)
Cs DIALKO [Cure Body]Cure Body status effect
Cs LATUMOPHIS [Cure Poison]Cure Blood Stream Status effect
Cs NOZALKO [Cure Soul]Cure soul status effect
He DIAL [Healing]Heal 4DY to 1 target
He MADIAL [Recovery]Heal 8DY to 1 target
He DIALTO [Heal All]Heal 2DY to whole party
He MADIALTO [Restore All]Heal 4DY to whole party
He DI [Close Wound]Heal 50% of 1 target's max HP
He MADI [Restoration]Restore all HP of 1 target.
He LABADI [Life Slice](PHYSICAL) Drain HP of 1 target by 50%, up to 1 HP,no DR, and add to 1 character
Dm BADI [Make Wounds](PHYSICAL) Reduce HP of 1 target by 50%, up to 1 HP, no DR
Dm MABADI [Death](PHYSICAL) Reduce HP of 1 target to 1 HP, no DR
Dm LIKTO [Holy Water](VS DIVINE AND UNDEAD ONLY???) Makes 4DY to 1 monster group, no DR
Dm MALIKTO [Holy Light](VS DIVINE AND UNDEAD ONLY???) Makes 8DY to 1 monster group, no DR
Dm ZILWAN [Dispel Undead](VS DIVINE AND UNDEAD ONLY???) Makes 8DY to 1 monster, no DR
Dm MAZILWAN [Zap Undead](VS DIVINE AND UNDEAD ONLY???) Makes 16DY to 1 monster, no DR
Ib BAKADI [Death Wish](SOUL) 1 group resist or die, maybe DIVINE AND UNDEAD RESIST

Alchemy Magic School ( Alchemist, Ninja )

Ut DESTO [Melt Lock]Unlock door or chest
Ut CALNOVA [Disarm Trap]Disarm a trap on a door or chest
Ut CALDU [Identify Item]Identify Item
Ex LADIAFIC [Detect Secrets]Search for secret doors and other things (maybe relocate)
Ex LAGREFIC [Resist]PS +2, MS+2 to party for expedition
Ex LASOPIC [Armor]DR +2 to party for expedition
Pu SOPIC [Glass Shield]DR +3 to party
Pu MASOPIC [Glass Armor]DR +6 to party
Pu GREFIC [Resistance]PS +3, MS +3 to party
Pu MAGREFIC [Endurance]PS +6, MS +6 to party
Bd MORFIS [Cure Stone]Recover from Petrified
Cs ZOIFIC [Smooth Skin]Cure Skin status Effects
Pd DARLIS [Corrosion]DR -4 to a group
Pd MADARLIS [Armor Melt]DR -8 to a group
Pd KARA [Sticky Splash]INIT -4, Clumsiness -8 to a group
Pd MAKARA [Cement splash]INIT -8, CLumsiness -16 to a group
Pd BANOKA [Weakness]PS -4, MS -4 to a group
Pd MABANOKA [Vulnerability]PS -8, MS -8 to a group
He DIOS [Health Vial]Heal 4D6 to 1 target (poor initiative???)
He MADIOS [Health Potion]Heal 8D6 to 1 target (poor initiative???)
He KADIOS [Health Elixir]Heal all target HP (MP cost++) ?? not sure about this spell (poor initiative???)
Dm MOQUA [Acid Splash](ACID) Makes 12 Damage, range 2 to 1 group, persistant 6 point of damage
Dm MAMOQUA [Acid Bomb](ACID) Makes 24 Damage, range 2 to 1 group, persistant 12 point of damage
Dm LIQUA [Fire Blast](FIRE) Makes 2DY of damage, range 2 to 1 group, persistant 1DY of damage
Dm MALIQUA [Fire Bomb](FIRE) Makes 4DY of damage, range 2 to 1 group, persistant 1DY of damage
Dm ALIKUS [Ring of Fire](FIRE) Makes 6DY of damage, to all ennemies.
Dm GURENIQUA [Corrosive Cloud](ACID) Makes 9DY of damage to all ennemies, add SKIN, BLOOD, BODY status
Ib KANITO [Axphyxiation](BODY) all monster, resist or die, or resist or 50% damage or status
Ib MAKANITO [Death Cloud](BODY) all monsters, resist or die.

Psionic Magic School (Psionic, Monk )

Ut ELEMOS [Identify Monsters]Read all the monster's information (maybe all monster)
Ut NOBAIS [Mind Read]Read the mind of NPC, maybe use in battle to know next move (not sure if can be done) or neutralize attack.
Ut KATU [Charm]Charm NPC, paralyse monsters
Ex LATUMAPIC [Identify]Show real monster information
Ex LAPONTI [Speed]INIT +2, clumsiness -4 to party for expedition
Ex LAKUREMAR [Enhance]MDMGZ +1 to party for expedition
Pu PONTI [Accelerate]INIT +3, clumsiness -6 to party
Pu MAPONTI [Haste]INIT +6, clumsiness -12 to party
Pu KUREMAR [Enchance Magic]MDMGZ + 2 to party
Pu MAKUREMAR [Empower Magic]MDMGZ + 3 to party
Bd FODORDI [Revive]Recover from Death to full HP (maybe this one is out of combat)
Cs DELISTA [Brain Recovery]Cure Neural status Effects
Cs DERIMAS [Sane Mind]Cure Psychic status Effects
Pd POBA [Clumsiness]CS -4 to a group
Pd MAPOBA [Incompetence]CS -8 to a group
Pd BADUMAS [Weaken Spells]MDMGZ -3 to a group
Pd MABADUMAS [Reduce Spells]MDMGZ -5 to a group
Pd MORLIS [Fear]AD -4 to a group
Pd MAMORLIS [Terror]AD -8 to a group
He DIOMAS [Restore Body]Heal 4DY to 1 target
He MADIOMAS [Rejenuvate Body]Heal 8DY to 1 target
He DIORES [Accelerate Healing]Heal 16 HP to 1 target + 8 HP per turn
He MADIORES [Regeneration]Heal 32 HP to 1 target + 16 HP per turn
He NADIOS [Lifesteal](PHYSICAL) Drain 4DY HP from 1 target to 1 character, no DR
He MANADIOS [Lifedrain](PHYSICAL) Drain 8DY HP from 1 target to 1 character, no DR
Dm SIOS [Mind Stab](MENTAL) 2DY to 1 group, ignore DR, added effect PSYCHIC
Dm MASIOS [Psionic Blast](MENTAL) 4DY to 1 group, ignore DR, added effect PSYCHIC
Dm BURENES [Ki Strike](PHYSICAL) 2DY to 1 group, ignore DR, added effect NEURAL
Dm MABURENES [Ki Blast](PHYSICAL) 4DY to 1 group, ignore DR, added Effect NEURAL
Dm KAKAMEN [Psionic Fire](FIRE) Makes 3D6 damage to all ennemies
Dm LITOKAN [Flame Pillars](FIRE) Makes 6D6 damage to all ennemies
Dm GULTOMAS [Mind Flay](MENTAL) Makes 6DY to all Monsters, ignore DR, added effect PSYCHIC

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